Saturday, February 12, 2011

World Sound Healing Day, Feb. 14th

February 14th is World Sound Healing day. Those who are participating may wish to focus your loving vibrations carried through the medium of sound to the Great Pyramid on that day. The Great Pyramid is a huge sound resonator, connected through lines of light to virtually all the major sacred sites around the planet.

Help Egypt free itself from the imposed restrictions within the sacred grids, and the sacred sites throughout the world which link into this major planetary site.

See this YouTube cymatic presentation of Stephen Halpern toning inside the Great Pyramid.

Message from Gaia - through Christan Hummel

Message from Gaia - through Christan

This was a recent communication received by the ocean deva off the coast of San Onofre who was my first contact with communicating with the devas back in 1981. He has been a mentor and offering wise council ever since. Towards the end of the session, there was a surprise visit by Gaia!

Ocean Deva: The incoming light frequencies entering into the Earth and into the grids and into the power points are reaching the place where critical mass is about to be achieved very quickly. And so this is a last ditch attempt by the “dark lords of power” to maintain their ego base and control centers. It will be futile, and ultimately the Will of Gaia will reign supreme once again on Earth as it had for many thousands of years before this “band of ego players” rose to power. Remember that their reign of power is relatively short within the historical stretch of time.

Those aligned with the Will of Mother Earth will once again be re-empowered and they will be the ones to create the new models for the future. This will happen very soon. Even as we speak, efforts are made all over the world by such groups; however, they still encounter much resistance from the old regime. But remember the old regime is like the collapse of Rome. They have over extended beyond their center. They cannot be supported any longer. It is just a matter of time. Take heart. Have faith. Have courage. Know that you are supported in all such efforts, despite all evidence to the contrary. Your time will come and it is coming very soon.

Be not alarmed by appearances of chaos that loom in the future, whether financial, political or social. It is simply a necessary step in the transition from one system to the next. But even the chaos is under the control of an Invisible Hand. And all efforts are being made, and will continue to be made, to ensure that the transition is with the least amount of damage, because it is a Loving Hand which is guiding it all.
Keep like a bouy that floats on the water, that no matter how stormy the water the bouy is still floating, and tethered and anchored to the earth by a strong cord that keeps it in place.
Remember always your connection to the Earth. It will sustain you through any storms ahead. We encourage you daily to spend time in the earth, even if only to do gardening, or walking barefoot in the grass, or hugging a tree – something daily, because you are fed by these energies.

The Mother is more alive now than She has been in thousands of years. She is reaching out to all of Her emissaries, to all of Her power points, to all of Her grids, to all who work with Her and align with Her, regardless of their ideological affiliations. It is the one thing we have that unifies us all. We may have different “fathers” we worship in the heavens, but we all come from the same Mother.
You [lightworkers] have lived a path of not being recognized for your true potential for many years, or lifetimes, and it would lead one to think that that gift has little value because that value is not being reflected back to them by others. But this is what is about to change, VERY SOON.  The value of such shamen, in whatever disguise they have been wearing within the world, will soon be very apparent to corporate America. It will give many not only the edge they need to survive, but the critical assistance necessary to survive in these changing times ahead.

Many in the “corporate” world who have been successful using status quo methods will find themselves at a loss when they begin to find that these methods are no longer succeeding. They do not know how to chart the waters you have been navigating your whole life. You will be a valued “scout” much like the Cavalry coming into the West needed Indians to show them where to go. You have been such a scout. And certain fears of having led such people to places that they ultimately destroyed presently colors your willingness to accept this role again. Know that this will not be allowed again. The times have changed. The Mother is in control.

This is not to say that discrimination is not always needed about who you will offer your gifts to.
The Feminine is there to support the Masculine, to encourage with love, understanding, compassion. It is not that the men involved are the quarterbacks and the women are at the sidelines as cheerleaders. It is that the two energies of Yin and Yang are being given an opportunity to learn how to create with one another as equals. Regardless of any outcome of this project, this effort itself is of great value. So again, process is AS IMPORTANT as outcome. And process must be honored every step of the way.

CH: I feel Gaia.
GAIA:  Beloved Ones, I know that my energy has been hidden to you for many years, but now the time has come where it will be more readily available and accessible, more visible, more tangible. I have awakened as if from a deep slumber, and am ready to give the full force of my being to those who have been honoring me and loving me and praying for my return all these years. I am here ready to assume the throne. 
CH: I just got the message “Queen Mother.”
GAIA: All devic power points shall soon be under my reign again. The work of thousands has brought us to this point of reclaiming the sacredness of this planet. 
You cannot imagine the beauty that lies ahead, but know that it has been well worth all of the struggle. This will soon seem like a very bad dream. Look to the future with joy and enthusiasm and confidence, as I HAVE RETURNED! My Will shall be anchored upon the Earth once again. And this planet shall be restored to its once pristine beauty and condition -- by hook or crook! 
There will be recalibration that may have an outer appearance that is disturbing, but know that all beings have a contract with this Earth, and when their contract expires, they are set free to move on, through one means or another. So do not ever grieve for those losses when they come, it was their time.

The work of groups such as your own will help to ease this transition with needed alignments, but they cannot be offset altogether.  There is too much out of alignment with the new frequencies Earth is moving into. I must align Myself for the portal of ascension that is opening in 2012. The good of the whole body must be considered. There is no loss of Life, only a change of form.  Their life will go on in form matched with their frequencies. Many forms of life are simply not suited to the new frequency on Earth, and this explains much of the extinctions that have taken place on the planet. While humanity has played a role in hastening that transition, their forms were not suited to the new vibratory patterns. Conversely, new forms of life are emerging on the planet, for instance the mineral kingdom.

I am with you always.  I will not let harm come to you.  Your very lives are an instrument of my teachings, showing others that the Mother will take care of everything.  Do not ever doubt this, even if it does not conform to society's current definitions of success.

You are caught in the changing of the tides.  The old tide is ebbing while the incoming tide is flowing. During this time of transition, there is the turbulent water, but extra grace is available to those who are holding the vision of the New Earth at this time.

You are the new leaders the character in the Kung Fu series who walks the Earth with his flute, not always being understood by those around him, but knowing the truth of his path, all the same.

Groups like yours could clean up the Long Beach harbor very simply and quickly without any technology, but then how would others learn?

So, sometimes we must slow things down, so that it fits what people are able to believe, and help them come one step closer to a new paradigm.  Remember, the Mother is for all.

Those involved must have an attitude that it is an honor to be of service to the Mother.  If they do not have this attitude, their offerings will not be accepted, and one way or another their support will drop out.

You can't assess your life or your progress by the yardstick of a system that is crumbling.  It cannot tell your true worth or value.  Do not look to it to do so.

Would that you could see the conditions on the planet as they truly exist - not as the controlled media would have you do so.  You would see that unprecedented light is entering the planet at this time, causing new seeds to sprout where they have lain dormant for many years.  After the first of the year - February 2 - you will begin to see some evidence of this...This is the true meaning of 'grassroots movement' - this new grass is covering the Earth and cannot be stopped.
This is all for now, but I can never leave you.

Friday, March 20, 2009

For the Temple Keepers, message from Deva at San Onofre

The end of March, while visiting in Southern California, I was pulled to the side of the road while driving by the devic master who resides off the coast near San Onofre. This was quite unusual for a communication to be initiated by the deva, but it seems Nature had a message about these times ahead.

The notes were jotted down on paper and the thoughts came to me as fast as we could write. It was several weeks before we could revisit the notes, but when we did, I realized that the message wasn't just for me. So I wanted to share it with those of you who will resonate to what is being shared here. These are highlights. The full message is available on the website.

"Archetype of abuse of feminine Roman energy has crested, now power decreasing. There was an agreement by Earth to have this Roman energy there, but it has reached the end of its cycle and is in the decline. We are at a time in our planetary history where the two primal energies of Yin and Yang are shifting in their relationship. Like two arches intersecting (saw something that looked like the McDonald's arches). The arc of the Yang journey has reached its crest and is now on the descent. While the arc of the Yin journey is ascending. They are at a crossing point now where it appears that they are equal, but only if you do not know their trajectory path. The energies of the Divine Femine are now building on the planet, while the energies of Yang loosening their grip. When women understand this they can transform anger and fear from past abusive treatment, into compassion.

[Then the picture of the twin arches turned 90 degree to each other. I then saw a central pole come down where the two intersect as it came thorugh them and into the earth.] Male and Female energies are NOT side by side, but at a 90 degree rotation. This allows intersection with each other in their own dimension, each with autonomy, and yet together. Visualize this as a symbol. The central column represents the place of union. Like a tent. Hold the image of this symbol in mind and it will help hold the energies in their truth.

Those who have gone through abusive relationships with regards to the disrespect of the Feminine principle, their experiences of healing, and standing in their power, are now being used as a proxy in the process of redeeming the matter of the planet that holds these old imprints of abuse and disrespect of this sacred principle. So all who experience the abusive relationships, as they transform those energy dynamics within themselves, they are acting as a proxy for the energies to be transformed where they are held within the planetary structure.

The ancient wisdom of the Feminine, that of being in harmony with Nature, of understanding natural ways of healing, of intuitive knowing, has been repressed and long forgotten as the Feminine principle went into hiding and was depressed. However, there have always been those on the planet who have held that wisdom within their cellular memory, to keep that flame alive.

They are the Temple Keepers, the priestesses of old, who have maintained an unbroken vibration of the ancient wisdom. These Temple Keepers are being guided to attend their stations at this time as the Feminine temples of the Earth re-emerge. It is a time to awaken to the awareness of who you really are and the role you have to play in this planetary transition.

You will find that there are things you remember encoded into your body as wisdom, not from books or learned knowledge. In times past, the archives of ancient teachings were held within certain rocks, acting as record keepers. There are many now who are accessing these records, and more will come as the Feminine energies become more fully available on the planet.

Allow yourselves to trust your guidance and knowledge at this time. The new teachings for the planet will be awakened through this type of Feminine knowledge, as living libraries (vs. books) as the ancient Lemurian temples begin to arise again.

Temple keepers will be able to be perceived by more people as their own inner wisdom is revealed to them. It will be of great service in these times ahead.

The net of light encircling the planet creates safe place for this re-emergence. The women who hold this energy are the midwives, who within themselves hold the safe space allowing these temples to resurface. As these temples arise, ancient understandings, ways of living that were lost, that are in harmony with the earth, will suffuse the grids with that consciousness so as to be available to the masses. All this seeps through the grids of the earth (like a liquid information of light) to become available to designers, teachers, engineers, and those who can implement the plans for the new template. The Temple Keepers must come first to prepare the space for the re-emergence of these ancient store houses of wisdom.

In the times ahead, the standard operating procedure -- the ways things have been done in the past -- won't be effective anymore. This will mean that humanity will develop new ways of adapting. The grids which are emerging hold the new template, and those of you in this work are helping to hold the energy for that to happen. This is an important time for those of you who are performing this role. The key task now is live the truth of who you really are.

This is your time! NOW is your time. Assume the mantle you have been given. The conditioning of the world has caused you to determine your value by what you do, and that can be confusing as it is not a true reflection of your worth. HOLD ONTO WHO YOU REALLY ARE! Your being touches people and ripples out to affect others in ways you are unaware. Who you are and the awareness you hold, exists on other dimensions, as there are whole civilizations on other levels that live in harmony and according to principles of love. You hold this truth in your very being, remembering this way of being. By living the truth of who you are, you act as Sirens, luring people to this place awareness of this other way of being and living.

The old ways will no longer produce fruit. They are like sterile seeds. Certain frequencies of the population will not be able to reproduce in coming times-other ways of the past, greed etc, will not thrive. Inversely, ideas which are aligned with this new an emerging template will thrive.

Don't loose hope by looking at the outer. This is the time which you came for, this is why you were called, THIS is your time! Time to shift gears from hiding and camoflouging who you are, as you adapted to a world which wasn't indigenous to you. It is time to come out openly and live the truth of your being. The knowledge you collectively hold of this other way of living is not from the mind. You came in with this awareness already encoded into your DNA. As such, you know there are other possibilities for this planet, because on some level you've already experienced it as a lived reality. You are here to anchor that knowing, that this paradise exists. You are holding this vibration as the template of the New Earth, but it is not "new" to us, it is where you came from."

Economic situation: This time now is like a false spring. Blooms have come onto the tree, and a sense of optimism, but there is a cold snap coming which will cause the blooms to fall. There is still disintegration/dismanting yet to come that is necessary before people are ready to let go of their attachment to the old system. Right now its like retreading an old tire. The changes being made are still in efforts to salvage the old systems. It is not true change yet. What will be needed are the new systems is based on love, service, cooperation, goodwill, and brotherhood. People aren’t hurting enough yet to reach deep into themselves to access these qualities. Life won’t support efforts to retreat to the past.

The dark lords haven’t given up, simply retreated to regroup. The contrived
mortgage crisis was brought on those manipulating the planet all along in an effort to put people into a state of fear. They have another card to play. They will not succeed. The plan is there on the mental plane, but it will not succeed. There are too many on the planet now who are vibrating at a higher frequency, that the plans to bring humanity into submission through fear will not succeed. Instead, it will likely propel humanity to reach for and demand new alternatives.

Obama is being worked with, protected and guided. It is through the prayers of millions have allowed him to be surrounded by Beings, who are helping him to keep his vision and integrity amid the climate of dark forces which are prevalent in his environment. He has been “chosen” by higher beings to lead America into its destiny. Michelle is his shakti, and he recognizes this (though he would use another term.) This is the first couple in American political history to demonstrate this type of co-creative union. They are anchoring the archetype of balance and respect of a co-creative partnership.

Those of us who remember another way of how life can be lived, need to take care that our consciousness is anchored in the new template, the new paradigm. Watch with detachment the changes ahead as it does not affect you or where your consciousness resides. In the moment each decision will be known. Don’t project too far out into the future. The farther you go out in time the more confused you will become. Be comfortable living in the moment.

The danger, if you could call it that, now is that you have lived so long with a foot in each world, that you need to remember where your true home is. Move into who you are. No more camoflough. As the next economic wave hits, dig into the goodness within. Learn to tap into this vast resource of goodness within, of the human heart. The new currency coming is a “currency” of love. The institutions built with this currency will be untouched, others will crumble that are based on greed, power, lust. In one to two years, simultaneous decline of economy, alonside the emergence of new ideas and ways of relating to one another. It is debatable whether or not money as you know it will survive in this system as so much of the existing structure will not be there. Even we cannot project too far out into the future as there are still choices that humanity has to make which affects which path of outcome will manifest. So make your plans month to month, rather than long term right now.

There is very little other than your own resource which is your currency. WHO you are will appreciate in value as others appreciate who you are! And even more so as we enter the new paradigm humanity will need people who know the path and the terrain.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Two Realities, We Choose: Message from Devic Master at San Onofre

Since 1981 I have been in communication inwardly with a devic master living off the coast of California near San Onofre. For lack of imagination, we named him "San Onofre" and the name has stuck since. His wisdom has been consistent and his vision of world events something I never would have known that a devic being could possess. Back in February of 2007, he gave a message about the times ahead. He referenced December as a critical time in the Earth's history, saying that there was a new birth coming onto the planet, one of incomprehensible joy. That "birth" was like a child to be born, but a child of a new consciousness to emerge upon the planet. Like all births though, he said, there will be a period of labor. During which time there will be some pain as the old systems are changing to accomodate the new consciousness about to emerge. He went on to say that the first of the "contractions" to signal this period of going into labor, would come in December (2007). He then gave a meditation that we could do to be able to keep our consciousness aligned with that of the Earth Mother, a kind of Cosmic Lamaz as he called it. (They do have a great sense of humor, and this deva in particular likes to use a play on words in his communications.) The meditation was simple and according to the Deva would align us with the rhythm and pulse of the Earth as She goes through this transition. By so doing, we would know where to go and when, like the animals during the tsunami in Indonesia, they knew when to move to higher ground because they were attuned to the pulsations of the Earth.

The meditation was simply to become aware of the sun at the time of sunrise and sunset. We needn't be where we see this, but wherever we are at that time, to imagine the sun and to imagine that we can breathe in the energies of Helios (his name specifically) through the top of our head. Just do this for a couple minutes each day. He said that this would retune our inner timing and rhythms to be in sych with those of the Earth.

I did this for several months after, and the results were a slow and steady calming of my mind and fears of the future, which had been increasing previously as I contemplated the changes we were about to go through as a society. Then after a couple more months, I found that I was able to know the temperature to the exact degree before looking at the thermometer! So something was evidently "tuned in" as a result of this exercise. Over the months, I began to realize that my intuition was getting stronger and my fears lessening so that I could hear the inner voice of guidance more clearly as it was working in my life.

Then in December, the "contraction" predicted came. It happened on December 24th to be exact. I had been working with a man who was doing commodities trading and so I was following the markets pretty closely during that time. The markets plunged as the first blast of the housing mortgage crisis had hit the fan and registered in the markets. No less than six economic papers at the time referred to the event as an economic "contraction." This was in December 2007. It had begun. The first of the contractions to signal that the Earth had gone into "labor." Back in February, 2007, when the deva first gave this message, he mentioned that like in labor, that the contractions start small, then build in intensity and come closer and closer together.

Since that first "contraction" back in December 2007, I've been watching the markets closely and sure enough, a series of market contractions followed: Bear Sterns bail out--the unthinkable happened--an economic icon needing the Federal Reserve to step in. A first on all fronts. It sent shock waves throughout the financial community sending the stock market plunging at record levels (record at the time.) Then other financial institutions following suit, three of them in less than three months. Then the price of oil spiraling out of control, the dollar plummeting, and basically all commodities across the board going through the roof as well causing riots in the streets and political unrest for countries around the world who literally could not afford to feed their people due to the raging prices. Each surging wave of increase was followed by a major collapse as the bubble burst, causing another contraction, each one more severe than the last. Finally, this most recent series of contractions, when Lehman Brothers, AIG and others closed their doors and disclosed to the world the severity of the credit problems and the markets seemed to know no bottom limit plunging to record levels surpassing that of the Great Depression.

Meanwhile, in the back of my mind is the message of the Devic master from February 2007 predicting all of this, and YET comparing it to labor pains which are giving rise to a BIRTH which is of incomparable joy. A birth of a new consciousness on the planet! Then the reference to the tsunami and knowing where to go and when once we have aligned ourselves with the Cosmic Breath of the Great Mother of our planet. Well, the lastest confirmation of this wisdom came in the form of testimony of former Federal Reserve Chairman, Alan Greenspan, who described the current credit crisis as an economic TSUNAMI!!

We are a part of this new birth. The collapse of the old systems of power and control are what will allow the NEW systems to emerge, and they are doing so NOW, just not getting attention in the mainstream media because they are the mouth pieces for the old paradigm which is collapsing. To those who know only that paradigm, this is a death. To those who hold another vision of how life can be on the planet, this is a NEW BIRTH! There are two very opposing realities playing out simultaneously right now, and that brings me to the next communication from the deva at San Onofre, one which came in August of 2007.

In this communication, he shared with me the following:

San Onofre: RE: WORLD SITUATION: There are two very distinct and opposite lines of energy unfolding at this time. One is filled with fear, control, darkness, ego, mind. It will not succeed, but it will have its day. That day is coming soon. You already know too well the plans and aspects of this line of unfoldment so we will not comment more on it here.

The other plan which is unfolding at this time is an unprecedented explosion and expression of the light in all fields of endeavor. You were shown what can happen with the gold "tip" and this is just a small example of how Spirit can and will work through all available agents to bring about the new paradigms on the planet. You saw how effortless it was, how easy, how simple. This is what it will be like working in consort with Spirit.*

What is very unusual is that these two lines of unfoldment will be happening SIMULTANEOUSLY. So it will mean that all will be forced to choose which paradigm they are going to be a part of, and where they choose to put their consciousness.

Right now, there is an overlapping of both worlds and paradigms. In the very near future, there will need to be a choice as it will not be possible to "live" energetically in both worlds. When we say "live" we mean where is your consciousness, not your body. Your body may be doing taxes or watching TV or shopping, but where is your consciousness while doing those things? It is resting in fear, or faith and love? It is aligned energetically with lack, or with abundance which is the hallmark of Spirit?

So these two paths will become increasingly more divergent and it will require people to choose which one is the reality they will lend their energy to. This is the PATH you have been holding a door open to for [your market trading partner] during this last 18 months. You have demonstrated what it is like to live in this reality of magic, trust, faith, miracles, love, Spirit. You take it for granted, but it is relative new to him. He represents an example of someone who has spent his life living in a very materialistic world. It is only a few years since this other world opened up for him. Many like him will be receiving this "revelation" soon. You wonder why The Secret was so well received since it was such old information. Yes, it was old to some, but not to the people opening to it for the first time. There will be many more such people as time approaches.

So there is a very odd dynamic which will be playing out in the near future, as soon as December. As events spiral more into fear, control, disaster etc, there will SIMULTANEOUSLY be increased openings of magic, synchronicity, the light, heart, love, and higher vibrations. We know that this is hard for the logical mind to understand, but it is possible nonetheless. The recent fires throughout California are an example. As the fires raged on, people's hearts were opened more. This is a crude example, but one which is familiar to you. What is different is that this will be happening in all fields of life soon, not just a disaster here or there.

So those aligned with Grace, will see the light manifesting. Those aligned with fear, will see the destruction. You can choose which movie you want to watch, but there is only one monitor. You have two channels, but can only choose one movie! We know which movie you will choose, and have been doing so for some time now. This message is for others.

This is all we have for you at this time. Know that our love is with you, along with our deep admiration and support at any time you call upon us.

With love, San Onofre (and devic team assembled)

*the gold "tip" referred to here is a tip that San Onofre told my market partner to buy gold at a certain day. From that day forward over the next four months, gold took its steepest rise in history. Over $300,000 in gains from a single investment of $20,000. So he was referring to the possibilities which exist when we enter into the matrix of Grace that transcend what is possible from normal 3-D efforts.